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Плезиодракон [Plesiodragon]
Анимации, иконки, PNG, и Английское описание:
*Порядок всех картинок драконов: 1.Земляной, 2.Водяной, 3.Огненный, 4.Воздушный, 5.Серебряный, 6.Золотой.
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The Plesiodragon is a deep water dweller, spending most of its life underwater. They rise to the surface to breathe air, storing huge amounts of oxygen to enable them to stay underwater for long periods of time, even sleeping for short intervals underwater. They hunt and navigate the dark depths using echolocation, using a complex burst of clicking sounds. They are graceful underwater, using their flippers to literally fly through the water, or just cruising the deep depths, but when on land they can appear clumsy, the flippers allowing only limited mobility. They can only stay out of the water for a day maximum, needing to drink plenty of water as they quickly dehydrate. These gentle giants are the biggest dragon species found so far.

Once hatched, the active Plesiodragon hatchling heads towards the water where they quickly start exploring under the protective watch of their parents, their curiosity never gets out of hand as they are always careful in their explorations, yet they often need their parents to remind them when to rise from the depths for air, as the youngsters can quickly tire when swimming long distances and need a little encouragement to the surface sometimes. They can quickly become anxious if they cannot see at one of their parents close by, making a high pitched sound to call out to them. The breeds characteristic frills along the back are still to develop.



 The child Plesiodragon is a lot calmer, and more confident to be away from its parents. Still hesitant, the child Plesiodragon prefers to observe rather than join in with the other dragons during boisterous play. The Plesiodragon is very sensitive to the other dragons feelings, their calming, mild manor often helps calm even the most nervous of them. The fins and frills along the back and neck start to develop, growing quickly where there once was none, enabling them to swim longer distances without tiring. 

The gentle teenager Plesiodragon looks a lot more slim-line as the neck and tail have become longer, the longer tail helping the teenager when it is burning off some of its young energy by enthusiastically performing extremely fast complex manoeuvres in the water to the amusement of the others. The teenager Plesiodragon still prefers to observe rather than join in with the other dragons rough games, although this is not due to lack of bravery, as the teenager Plesiodragon is now fully independent and likes to do their own thing. Already towering over most of the other dragon species, even the fully grown ones, the quickly growing teenager Plesiodragon tends to be a little vain about their stature. They are now able to stay underwater for over an hour before needing to surface.



Плезиодракон [Plesiodragon]  -  Reptile Scales (Чешуя рептилии)
Категория: Энциклопедия | Добавил: Aleanore (26.07.2011)
Просмотров: 2700 | Рейтинг: 5.0/3
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